MedE Health Card


World’s first large storage based hybrid patient id card.
Paperless patient record carrier.
Chip based card for data storage.
Life time medical history of a patient in one go.
Easy to carry, no fear of losing the physical reports.
View of reports, prescriptions prescribed at a glance.
Patient carries reports & films in bulk whenever they go for hospital visit.
Chances of reports getting worn-out.
Chances of loosing or missing the reports.
Raises lot of pollution for paper production Plastic pollution.


Patient info like reports, films, prescription, discharge summary, bills etc. can be stored in digital format.
Storage of medical history from infant till life time.
Entire diagnostic data in one card.
Accessible by a dedicated card reader with Windows & MAC OS.
Data storage with Date, time and report category wise.
Accessible by any referral doctor to view patient reports.
Accessible by any pharmacist to view and issue medicines.
Card design is patented.
Card readers can be made available in all medical shops, pharmacies and small dispensaries all over the country.
100% Digital Patient Record management.
Card can be updated /edited/modified only by any authorized user by a dedicated card access machine.