About Us

About CYONE Med Solutions

With a team led by research, technology, and our mission to make a difference, CYONE’s products and services stand as a sturdy and reliable structure of novelty in the non-clinical healthcare domains making hospitals, laboratories and individuals simpler than it is.

Our Vision

To move towards a greener, paperless and filmless future to make medical records as conveniently utilitarian as possible looking at the possibility of a better tomorrow. Create a healthier and safer world with aid of digitalisation.

Our Mission

Committed to provide reliable services time to time with updated technology driven tools to empower Healthcare industry

Our History

Founded in the year 2014, Cyone Med Solutions has ever since equipped professionals, innovators, wizards and partners that have only contributed to the growth of the company. CYONE Med Solutions now stands strong with an experience of almost a decade since the idea was first conceived and continues to prove its worth through empathy, compassion, and its drive to get closer to the goal.

Hello, We’re The Innovators!

Coming from a medical background and braced by a solver’s mindset, having seen and experienced both the common man problems and professional’s dilemmas, we felt the opportunity to bridge the gap between shortcomings in non-clinical healthcare with a breakthrough that would henceforth make hospitals more equipped than ever. Cyone Med vision for a future of filmless diagnostics, unbothered documentation and storage of records by helping the earth with less discard and degradation has made us a unique standout in the Medical history.

Think beyond the tedious heaps of papers

The healthcare system has taken advantage of technology for advancement in patient care and the quality of medical treatments. But the one area where screens and gadgets have still not fully taken over is the storage, sharing, and documentation of health data- both at hospitals and those stored with patients. By choosing CYONE Med Solutions it will now be in your hands to change.